Glasgow's Young Scot Page


Thanks for your interested in creating an article about your organisation on our Young Scot page. You can find the page at This form aims to collect the information needed to produce an article about your organisation. A different form is used to collect information about specific opportunities. 


If you would like to have a discussion about what's needed for the page and the best approach for your organisation, please contact us at


Please note that information that you give us will be dealt with under the terms of Glasgow Life's privacy policy, which is available on our website and within the privacy policy of Young Scot, which is also available on our website. Please make sure that you are familiar with these policies before continuing.


1. Which geographical section of the site would you like your organisation to be featured in?
You can choose any part of the site that you deliver services in - not just where your headquarters are based. *


2. If your organisation is focused on delivering services on any of the themes below, you can also choose to be featured in that section. 
If you don't want to be featured in any of these sections, then please leave this question blank.


3. What is your organisation's name? *


4. Please provide an introductory paragraph about your organisation.
Ideally this should capture what your organisation is about in 50 words or less.


5. Where do you provide your activities or services for young people?
This section aims to give young people an idea about how to access your services. If you deliver in a particular venue, it would be helpful to name that and give the address and post code. If you provide your services online that's fine too. *


6. Programmes - What young people can expect.
This should contain more detailed information on standard programmes that young people can access or take part in. How do these work? What can young people expect to get out of taking part? What progression opportunities are there? If there's a cost involved then please make this clear here. *


7. How can young people get involved?
What's the next best step for a young person that's interested in taking part or getting involved? Is it best to e-mail you or just turn up at your activities? Do you need to make an appointment or book a place? *


8. Please provide contact information and a link to your website if you have one.
Please note that your telephone number and e-mail address will be published on our site. Please don't include personal numbers or e-mail addresses. If you have a shared e-mail address then this is the best one to enter. *


9. Please provide a comment or quote from a service user if you have one.
Quotes from service users are great at encouraging young people to get involved in your programmes. Ideally it would be short - no more than a couple of sentences - and include what they thought of getting involved in your organisation and what they got out of the experience.


10. Please upload a copy of your organisation's logo
This will be used on the site to draw attention to your article. If you don't have a logo then please upload something suitable and we will contact you to discuss this. *

Choose File

11. Please upload any other photos or videos that you would like to be added to your article.
These files will be used to add colour to your article and make your page more attractive. As well as images, you can also upload PDF information about your services, PowerPoint presentations or videos in .mp4 or .mov formats. You can upload a maximum of 5 files here.

Choose File